Paediatric Care Online

Paediatric Care Online

Paediatric Care Online `26/10/2016

All NHSScotland staff now have access to Paediatric Care Online (PCO UK). This is a  new web-based decision support system  from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, designed to help all health professionals to manage childhood illness. It provides immediate access to evidence-based information and action points to inform decisions at point of care.  This resource is on trial for NHSScotland to end of December 2016. Depending on usage, the trial may be extended to end of March 2017. The trial is supported by the Scottish Government Maternal and Child Health Unit and has been negotiated with help from the decision support project lead in Scottish Government eHealth.

This resource is available without any username and password from within the NHS network by using the following link. Outside the NHS network you will need to use your ATHENS username and password. To access PCO UK, please go to The Knowledge Network at and go to ‘Evidence summaries’. Or you can go direct to

We hope you will find this a valuable support to clinical practice Continued access to this resource depends on clinical uptake and feedback, so we would welcome any comments or questions – please send these to .

Please click here to download the PCO flyer.