PBSGL Facilitator Training Dates

PBSGL Facilitator Training Dates

PBSGL Facilitator Training

In common with many changes caused by the Coronavirus epidemic, the training of PBSGL facilitators has had to adapt and change. In the past, small group facilitators would attend a day of a training often in a central Scotland location. Today’s PBSGL groups are meeting differently compared to the past, with many meetings online using a variety of software to get together and learn from each other and from the module.

Our facilitation training has adapted to reflect these changes. Now, we have two Units of education to prepare facilitators.  Unit One consists of an e-learning module giving some of the background about PBSGL and small group facilitation. This can be worked through at home allowing flexibility in learning. This Unit is in addition to our existing training folder of resources for facilitators. Unit Two consists of a two-hour interactive meeting held by video conferencing with an experienced facilitator trainer. Interactive sessions will have a maximum of five participants per trainer. We hope to offer regular morning and afternoon sessions, and evening sessions by arrangement. Participants will discuss facilitation during the event and will be given time to facilitate the colleagues using the bespoke facilitation PBSGL module – mirroring our existing clinical modules.

We hope these changes will allow:

  • More access to facilitation training, particularly for those in remote and rural practice who needed to travel for a day before and a day after the meeting
  • Reduce the need for overnight accommodation and childcare costs
  • More practice for facilitators using video-conferencing meetings for PBSGL

PBSGL facilitators are the backbone of the programme. Each group functions independently, meeting when and where they wish, studying modules chosen by the group. The arrangement and facilitation of meetings, and recording of activity, is done by the facilitator.

PBSGL thrives on having 'peer facilitators'. The facilitator is not the expert on the topic during a meeting and does not have any more 'importance' in the meetings, than any normal group member. For the same reason, in the GPST groups, all the facilitators are GPSTs.

PBSGL offer facilitator training on various dates throughout the year and dates are listed below. 

Before you request to attend Facilitator Training, please consider the following:

  •  While this is a free course to attend there is an expense incurred by PBSGL to run the training (Trainer fees). Therefore, we ask that you only attend if you intend to take up a facilitator role in a PBSGL group within the next 3 months.
  • The timing of participation in the training is designed so that once the course is completed newly trained facilitators are ready to immediately move into the facilitator role with an identified group.

  • If there is a plan to start a group or take on a facilitator role within an existing group sometime in the future, participation in the facilitator training would be best delayed until nearer that time.

  • If the purpose is to find out more about PBSGL then a telephone conversation with one of the national leads would be a best initial step. Contact for further details –

    Please contact PBSGL Administrator who will direct your enquiry. 

    If you think the above suit your requirements and you wish to apply to attend one of our training dates, please email PBSGLAdministrator@nes.scot.nhs.uk to apply.


The PBSGL Team are keen to ensure that those interested in setting up a new group or seeking to sustain an existing one can access Facilitator Training as required so please do email our team to register your interest if the available dates do not suit.  We will make every effort to try and make arrangements for you.

2025 PBSGL Facilitator Training Dates - 

All delivered Virtually unless stated otherwise.  Please note spaces limited on each session.           


Friday 7 February 2025 - ** FULL **

09:30 – 12:30



Friday 7 March 2025 - ** FULL **

09:30 – 12:30

 Tuesday 11 March 2025

09:30 - 12:30

Friday 21 March 2025

09:30 – 12:30

 Tuesday 22 April 2025

09:30 - 12:30 

Friday 2 May 2025

09:30 – 12:30



Friday 5 September 2025

09:30 – 12:30

Further dates to follow..





For 2025 we would like to offer face to face training for GPSTs only at our NES Offices and we will update the website once we have the dates confirmed.  Again, it will be on first come first serve basis as we have limited capacity.  


Training Date delivered Face to Face for GPST only

Time of Session

Location – NES Offices, Westport, Edinburgh




NES Offices, 2CQ, Glasgow






Please e-mail PBSGLAdministrator@nes.scot.nhs.uk to apply for the training and further information.


For GPST trainees you may need to check with your Training Supervisor to request to attend.


 Please e-mail PBSGLAdministrator@nes.scot.nhs.uk to apply for the training.