PBSGL Module Appendices
PBSGL Module Appendices

There has been a request from PBSGL groups, that the Appendices for modules be placed on the website separately, so that they can be more easily accessed.
The Appendices, as you may know, contain tables, flow-charts, and other pieces of information that may be useful for clinicians when actively working in Primary Care. They are freed from copyright – this means that (unlike the rest of the module) anyone can have a copy, and they can be shared with those who are not PBSGL members.
Our plan is to gradually work through the modules – starting with the most recently published ones, and extract the Appendices as a separate .pdf file. This .pdf file will then be available without having to log in to the PBSGL website – anyone can go to the site and access the Appendices quickly, or print them out, or send them to colleagues.
We hope this change is useful to you all.
Peter McCalister
Clinical Lead, PBSGL
July 2016