PBSGL Module Log Sheets

PBSGL Module Log Sheets

PBSGL Module Log Sheets `03/02/2017

Log sheets are a vital part of the PBSGL process and perhaps what makes us different from other small group learning systems. On completion of a module, the group is required to undertake an evaluation and complete an on-line log sheet. The purpose of this is not only as an element in the continuous quality improvement of module production, but (more importantly) to assess group members' commitment to change. Copies of the log sheet response can be used by group members to support the appraisal process.


We would also like to draw your attention to the module rating scale contained in the logsheet and would remind you that the scale is from 1 to 10 – 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.


If you don't currently complete a logsheet at the end of your meeting we would encourage you to do so. If you need any help and guidance in this respect please get in touch with the PBSGL Administrator at PBSGLAdministrator@nes.scot.nhs.uk who will be able to talk you through the process.