Cradle to Grave Glasgow 2019

Cradle to Grave Glasgow 2019

Cradle to Grave Glasgow 2019 `22/05/2019

Glasgow Cradle to Grave - 24th & 25th May 2019

We are pleased to announce that Cradle to Grave Glasgow will take place on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th May 2019.

This two day course will consist of a series of 14 presentations (7 on each day) on common healthcare dilemmas from childhood to old age.  

All of our speakers are local NHS consultants/professionals who have worked with the NES team to pinpoint key learning for their specific area of expertise.  There will be opportunities to ask questions and gain valuable take home learning points for lifelong care.


Venue: Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel
Target Audience: GP, GP Retainee, GPST, Medicine - Practice Nurse
Cost: GPs - £135 for 1 day and £195 for both days booked together. 
Nurses working in General Practice / Primary Care, Retainer & Returner GPs - £100 for 1 day or £150 if both days booked together. 


Course programme : Cradle to Grave Programme 2019

To book this course : please visit our courses page and select the appropriate course.


Learning Outcomes:

1) Skinny Weans
2) Sleepless Weans
3) Worried Weans
4) Teenagers and young adults - too risky?
5) Sexual attitudes and norms of teenagers
6) Fibromyalgia
7) Contraception for the complicated patient
8) In and out of prison
9) Diabetes - Heartsink patients
10) Headache
11) PTSD and Psychological Therapies
12) Respiratory update
13) Older skin
14) Realistic Geriatric Medicine


The course is suitable for GPs, Retainer & Returner GPs, Nurses working in Primary Care and Pharmacists.

Click here for more information.